Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Real Blogging (that last one was a phony)

That last post was an assignment. I was editing html. It does not look like anything, but I was using
instead of the enter key and all that secret code that only champions of html understand. You may be saying to yourself, why have such remarkable skill when it is not even noticeable, well the answer is that its purpose is just not for blogs. If I move on to websites, I will need this mastery. For you simpletons, what I am saying is that I wrote hidden notes in invisible ink that you commoners will never understand. It is necessary for me because I am champion of technology and therefore html just followed suit and submitted to my will. So my title says the last blog was a phony, but it was just super advanced space lingo that you would never understand. I apologize for being leaps and bounds ahead of my time, but you will catch up eventually, dear reader.

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