Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It Ends

It has been good my dear reader. Countless moments shared from me to you, for you were the inferior of this relationship. And this is why it must come to an end. With the semester at its end and my unwillingness to write over the break, our relationship crumbles. You can not keep it going, dear reader, it is just out of yours hands. So for the next 2 weeks or so, do not check this. The disappointment in seeing no new posts will kill you inside every time, and two weeks without me could send the most prosperous life into a downward spiral. But do not fret dear dear, I will be back. Re-energized, revitalized, re- really everything to be honest. The semester has made me weary and the break is a much needed rest to your overworked messiah. So I bid you well and hope my absence does not ruin your life.



hello said...

you selfish little b word

Unknown said...

no, don't go wyatt, just cause i haven't read your blog in a couple of months doesn't mean that you should stop writting

Unknown said...

just kidding, you suck